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Waiting for Wings

This week, we read lots of new books about caterpillars and butterflies, including the Lois Ehlert book, "Waiting for Wings" and observed our ten little painted lady caterpillars! We talked about what will happen to these caterpillars in the coming weeks and made predictions about what they might look like the next time we see them at school! One of our art projects this week was creating butterfly wing symmetry art! Similarly to last week's cloud shapes art, we used pipettes to squeeze colors onto our paper, but this time we used lots of bright colors and used butterfly- wing shaped paper as our canvas. The children were always so delighted and surprised to see the symmetrical patterns and shapes that appeared when they folded ad squished the two sides together. They came out beautifully!

We also spent some time back on the farm this week to see the baby goats and observe the plants that are beginning to grow in the gardens. We also observed and read about the vernal pools and learned about the various creatures that use these seasonal pools as safe homes and breeding grounds. This group loves their trips to the farms, and always discovers something new to explore and wonder about. It was a positively beautiful week! :)

Wishing everyone a wonderful long weekend!

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